Directional and Brake not operating
Hi, my right directional and brake light no longer work. I have checked and replaced the camper fuses in the truck. They were not blown but were old. I then checked the 7 way plug with a digital tester. Tested fine. I also replaced the 7 way plug on the camper and added dielectric grease, I then moved to the right tail light. All running lights lit up so I dismantled the right tail light unit and checked the voltage. I have 12 volts to both the green and black wire. The bulb socket had some light corrosion and I cleaned it up. I have been told it was a ground issue. So I ran a temporary ground wire to my truck and grounded it there. So to make sure the temp ground worked I started the truck, turned on the lights. Went to the back of the camper and removed the temp wire from the light fixture. As expected the light went out and then back on when I re attached the temp ground. The blinker still didn't work. At this point you'd think the problem would be with the green blinker wire. But when voltage tested I get 12 volts. So then I dismantled the left side light assembly and tried it on the right side and it didn't work. But the right side that's not working worked on the left. I live in Maine where the winters get quite cold and I was also told that the socket could have gone bad over the winter, It was working fine last August. I did order a new light assembly. So where do I go from here ? Any suggestions.