Reversed Water lines!!!
Went boondocking in our new to us 2018 Primetime Tracer 255RB 2 weeks ago.
Got all set up and the water pump was not pumping.
Checked everything I could even bench tested with no luck.Used water from the water tank drain for the trip.
Got home and ordered a new SHURFLO 4008-101-A65 just like what was in the trailer.
So yesterday installed the new pump exactly the way it was installed and it did not pump.I checked what I could and thought there was something wrong with the plumbing in the tank.
In desperation I looked at the instructions again and noticed that the filter strainer was on the opposite side in the picture with an arrow for the water flow.
So I had to change the water lines from sisde to side and it worked!
The previous owners must not have ever used the fresh water tank and it was never caught in a PDI.