Originally Posted by Fast0ne
I found out that my insurance takes care of it if the roof was to fail or any water damage is done.
So I will just leave it and see.
Perhaps a collapsed roof will be covered by insurance, but good luck on water damage due to a liak coverage. A very blasé attitude to take. Most would try to reduce risks rather than wait for damage and hope for coverage. From the photo, I don't see at most about 15 cm of snow. I see that another 10-15 cm is predicted for today, but it still doesn't approach roof damaging levels. Your RV roof will support your weight, won't it?
If you continue to be concerned, you can find a ladder and push the snow off with a broom or snow rake. You can also consult this
Canadian Ground snow load website and find a nearby estimate.
In the
U.S. you can consult this website.