Roof repair question
Just back from the first week shake down cruise and had lots of rain. NO leaks (due to the reseal I did with Eturnabond tape) BUT I noticed that the "depression" on the roof around the A/C unit (noticed this on the prebuy) collects a water pool (surprise, surprise). Knew I was going to have to approach this issue at some time. The roof was flat when it was made and I doubt it was designed, at that time, to support a big A/C unit for so many years. Anyway my idea is to run 1 1/2 inch heavy wall square tubing crossways in front and behind the a/c unit from side to side and use a 1/2 inch thick bar inside the box on the ceiling fore and aft on each side of the a/c unit, with bolts (well sealed), up through the roof into the 1 1/2" tubing, to pull the 1/2" bar up and so bring the roof up at the same time. By using angle iron along the roof edges on top (fore and aft running) under the square tubing, the tubing will be @ 1/8 inch above the original roof line thus allowing me to pull the roof up to level and spread the load along the top edge, fore and aft, for better support.
Anyone ever done anything like this?