Originally Posted by BayRunner
This is what I suggested in an earlier post and very easily done. Once you have a visual on the upright guide posts on the rear of the trailer then it’s just a matter of practice backing a shorter trailer. It’s not rocket science that practice will soon make a normal procedure.
Winner , winner , chicken dinner !
BayRunner nailed it ...... practice .
Visual aids are a big help , but even with the aids it will still require practice , practice , practice .
I installed the corner posts on our dinghy trailer . I then pulled the trailer until it was in line behind the truck . I cut two 1-1/2"x 1-1/2" pieces of duct tape ( yes , duct tape ) . While sitting behind the steering wheel and looking in the rear view mirror , I had the DW stick the tape pieces on the inside of the tailgate at the top edge , in line with each post .
This tells me when the trailer is directly behind and in line with the truck .
Now I don't have to turn around to look out the back window . I now use the outside mirrors and inside rearview mirror when backing up .
It still required practice , but only over one weekend to get the hang of it .