Dometic Fridge Temperature Question
The refrigerator section of my 2008 626A Dometic fridge never gets below 50 degree anymore (sometimes not below 55, even when it's cool outside). I checked the thermistor on the clip in the fridge (it's moved to the highest position on the fins), and it reads about 2K ohms at room temp, and about 8K ohms when placed in a cup of ice water, so that seems fine. Does this thermostat actuate separate coils in the fridge section, or does it just turn off the heating element, whether gas, 12V, or 120VAC? The freezer section works just fine, but I would like the fridge section to get to at least less than 40 degrees, or my food will not last as long. I am technically savvy, but can't find any in-depth info on this. I check the seals around my fridge door, and they seem fine. I just want to know if there are separate actuators, or relays that operate the freezer section different than the fridge section. Or is the whole thing just a simple ON/OFF switch for the main heating element? Thanks!