Thanks for posting your solution  . This really helps if someone has a similar problem and searches for information. Sometimes someone will ask a question or help with a problem, then never responds after many people offer recommendations or solutions.
Originally Posted by WinCopTX
Thanks for your help! A quick puff of air ( from me) did the trick. Flame is normal now.
George Schweikle Lexington, KY
2005 Safari (Monaco)Trek 28RB2, Workhorse W20, 8.1, Allison 1000 5 spd, UltraPower engine & tranny, Track bars & sway bars, KONI FSD, FMCA 190830, Safari Int'l. chapter. 1999 Safari Trek 2830, 1995 Safari Trek 2430, 1983 Winnebago Chieftain, 1976 Midas Mini