Onan Gen Power missing at one leg
I am trying to troubleshoot my gen and looking for some knowledge. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Generator has 2 breakers on the control panel. There are 2 black wires coming from deeper inside the generator into the control panel each feeding their respective breaker. Measuring directly on the wire terminal at the breaker, one wire has 120 VAC and the other has 0. I am trying to find the cause of the dead leg and how to fix this.
I took a few measurements based off other suggestions, not sure what they mean. supposedly all within spec.
1. Pins 1 and 10 (Rotor, sliprings, brushes), 88 ohms cold after 2 months, ~33 ohms AVG after cranking and taking multiple measurements
2. Pins 3 and 9 (aux stator windings), 2.7 ohms
3. Pins 4 and 5 (windings) , 0.4 ohms
Onan 5500 Marquis Gold out of a 2004 5th Wheel
Model #: 5.5HGJAB-1038C
S/N: K030564396