We retired recently and purchased our first RV after 6 weeks reading online advice about type, new or used, size, chassis and power. We visited several dealers, attended an RV show to observe features, layouts, craftsmanship and efficiency. After viewing new and used models available at a Born Free dealership in our area, we searched online for a used model we liked. Although we had to fly to Minnesota in the winter to pick it up, we saved almost half the retail price new by buying a used Born Free with only 8600 miles. We chose Born Free because of their reputation for quality, craftsmanship and safety. Our rig has 3 rollover bars and noone has died in a Born Free since they started manufacturing RVs in the 60's. Research pays off to avoid costly mistakes from impulse buying. Patience is required until you find a used model in excellent condition from a reputable seller. We are hoping to join a Born Free caravan to Alaska next summer.