Originally Posted by dosxx
Just wondering what comments you have as to why you went from a 5th Wheel to a Class A? Or the other way, from a Class A to a 5th wheel?
Have a 5th Wheel now, but always wondering if I would prefer a Class A.
I've owned two Class-A's, a Class-C and finally a 37' Toyhauler 5th wheel. As all the motorhomes were gassers, I found that a well-equipped tow vehicle was a much nicer ride and much easier to have serviced/repaired. The combination of a tow vehicle and 5th wheel was MUCH more expensive than a gas class-A (and more expensive than a very well equipped used DP). More usable space in the 5th wheel. Less quality build in the 5th wheel.
You lose the advantage of being able to grab something while driving down the road, but we didn't do that much anyway. You gain the advantage of having a reasonable vehicle after parking and disconnecting.
I agree, if you're going to be driving a lot - probably go DP. If you're going to be parked a lot, 5th wheel...