OK, while the last post is being reviewed for content (I thought I was being relatively "calm" and "PC"...
) I will finish the story with a more "G" rating.
I found that all of this commotion was due to a short between my brain and my hands. In my haste to dump and sanitize my tanks before whisking the kids off to Tae-Kwon-Do lessons two-three weeks back, I neglected to screw the waste hose compartment bottom cover back on.
I guess you could say I screwed up...
This gave it/them a nice 6" dia. hole to come and go as they pleased. I also found some other potential holes so I will be sealing these with expanding foam or silicone post haste.
I have glue traps in the compartments at present waiting for it/them to return but seeing as they are noturnal and I discovered and "cleaned" the mess up at night with bright halogen lights all around without seeing them, I think they were out "foraging" and now are "locked out".
I now have to "sham-poo" the basement carpet areas and am buying the Rubbermaid Toughneck plastic bins for everything that will fit in them. These "lock" better all around their perimeter rather than the Sterlite brand which allow you to pull up and seperate the sides of the lid from the container.
I'll take a few "after" shots since I don't think you guys/gals want/need to see pics of rat-poo.