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I saw something similar to this up in Alaska. It was a flat bed trailer probably 20 feet long with a very large ''truck body camper'' permanently attached to one end and the other ''end'' of the trailer used as a ''front porch''. There was a round picnic table with a umbrella over it round benches bolted to the trailer. It was really neat. As I remember there was an awning that unrolled from the back of the camper that made a ''screened in porch'' also. He had attached ''holding tanks'' under the sides of the camper for extra water and sewer stowage. He said they liked to boon dock a lot.
God bless our troops and bring them home soon and safe
God bless our vets .. ALL GAVE SOME ... SOME GAVE ALL
In a world where a factory-built toy hauler pop up costs 15 grand, I see nothing wrong with it. Looks well built and sturdy. Turning the popup sideways on the trailer gives a lot more room on the trailer as well.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.
Our neighbor does that, except the pop-up isn't permanently attached. They're able to take their four-wheelers along very easily. I also saw a pic of a pop-up on a pontoon boat that I thought was pretty cool, too.