My wife has been asking me for a while now, to come up with an idea on how we can hang wet clothes, towels and bathing suits outside the coach, so that they can air dry. I've looked at what some other folks have had. Some ideas I've liked, but most I didn't.
In the Reader Exchange section of the September issue of the Coast to Coast members magazine, a member submitted instructions on how to make a clothes rack out of a simple 2x4, and hang it from the roof ladder. My son has just picked up the woodworking hobby, so I thought I'd have him give it a shot. I gave him the original design from the magazine, but made several changes.
We started off with a 6' piece of redwood, and cut it down to 5'. It was notched at one end to accommodate the ladder, and then large holes were made along the length of the board to accommodate clothes hangars. It was stained and varnished. Cup hooks were added for wet bathing suits and towel rods are suspended with aluminum cable. Below are photos of the finished project.
I had my son add a hinge so the rack can be easily stowed away.
If you don't want to see clothes hanging from the front of your campsite, you can always reverse it.
I can't take credit for any of this. A kind member submitted the idea to Coast to Coast, and my son completed the entire project. What do you guys think?