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Old 12-12-2014, 09:37 AM   #1
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Cripple Creek Land I'm Going To Develop...

I have a 10 acre section of (actually its a mining claim) property about a mile or so down the road from the Cripple Creek, Colorado KOA on hwy 81. (see attached photo)

There is a road to the property, but it is on an elevation and undeveloped.

I'm in the middle of getting a survey done then will be blading/dozing in a pad about 60' x 60' or so to park the motorhome on.

I know about access and acceptable grades/level for the pad, and I'll initially go up there with the coach, but down the road may put a permanent structure up. Not made of money so I have to do it slowly...

There is power nearby and I'm not sure about water, I know 2 properties over there is water but I don't know if I'd have to drill my own well. That is to be discovered as well.

Once the property is surveyed, the excavator will be on a job very close by in March and will be able to come over and put me in the pad and access without a big mob/demob charge, excited about that.

I'm wondering if anyone has developed mountain property from raw land to a useable space and what I should be looking out for. The motorhome will have a nice place to berth up there, and it is beautiful in the summers!

Thanks for the input everyone!

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Old 12-12-2014, 03:24 PM   #2
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Check with the county about zoning, building permit, septic permit, and well permit. Every state and every county is different and a lot of land use rules and regulations have changed in the past few years. Doing things without a "required" permit can be an expensive losing battle.

For example, our home county in Wyoming has no zoning or permit system except for septic systems which require a state and county permit and inspection and it's a real PIA. Wells in WY require a state permit. Most places today would require a permit even for a septic vault with no drain field and some places won't allow a vault because someone "might" connect a drain system to it.

Check with the local electric company to see what it will cost to bring power to site and what you need to have in place for them to connect to. Some places require county permits and you must construct a service entrance for the power company to land their wires. Other places just need your signature and a check and they even provide a circuit breaker for you to connect to.

Good Luck with your place! It's in a beautiful area!
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Old 12-12-2014, 05:05 PM   #3
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This can get so complicated with the City, County and State. I'm sure you've looked into the requirements. I will suggest something I've heard, but may just be a rumor. I was once told, that depending on the width of the road you cut, it can be tax deductible. If the road is cut wide enough for fire department use, something like 12', you can deduct the some of the cost of the road.
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Old 12-12-2014, 05:22 PM   #4
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Before getting too far into this, you may want to check with the state about drilling a water well. With less than 35 acres you may only be able to get a permit for inside household use, which means you cannot use water outside of your dwelling. No yard, garden or livestock watering.
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Old 12-13-2014, 07:27 AM   #5
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I did something similar in Northern Mi. It was an education as well as an adventure working with some of those folks. They were not real keen on the homeowner do-it-yourself plan. They were quite pushy about using licensed contractors (friends) to do everything. One guy, the electrical inspector, was really pretty nasty. We had to bring the state inspector in to settle him down - but the local never forgot about it, bringing trouble my way every time he could.

Even with headaches like that guy, the completion of a 1500 sq ft home built with no outside labor was likely the most satisfying experience I've ever accomplished.

Point being, suggest you educate yourself to the point you're not easily pushed around. Checking into local zoning laws/common practices regarding what you're trying to accomplish at any given time not terribly difficult.

Last, I bought a tractor w/front loader to clear my lot and put a 600ft. driveway in for 5K. After clearing the lot, helping with various landscaping projects, towing a few vehicles out of deep snow, clearing snow, mowing, etc. for almost 15 years, I sold it for 5K. It never needed anything but gas and oil, and just a little TLC here and there.
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Old 12-13-2014, 09:09 AM   #6
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Cripple Creek Land I'm Going To Develop...

Here are links that can be gateways to answering Cripple Creek questions.

If it was an active mine, there is a chance of issues regarding heavy metals or other contaminants.
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Old 12-13-2014, 09:21 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by OB-One View Post
Check with the county about zoning, building permit, septic permit, and well permit. Every state and every county is different and a lot of land use rules and regulations have changed in the past few years. Doing things without a "required" permit can be an expensive losing battle.

For example, our home county in Wyoming has no zoning or permit system except for septic systems which require a state and county permit and inspection and it's a real PIA. Wells in WY require a state permit. Most places today would require a permit even for a septic vault with no drain field and some places won't allow a vault because someone "might" connect a drain system to it.

Check with the local electric company to see what it will cost to bring power to site and what you need to have in place for them to connect to. Some places require county permits and you must construct a service entrance for the power company to land their wires. Other places just need your signature and a check and they even provide a circuit breaker for you to connect to.

Good Luck with your place! It's in a beautiful area!
x2!!!!!!! Be very careful you don't do anything the county/state objects to - and, as pointed out elsewhere, drilling for water can be very contentious. There are limits on property size before you can drill - typically 35 acres is required. Be sure you get all necessary permits required by checking with the local/county/state authorities before beginning development.

Although it may be a mining claim, SO many people get into SO much trouble when developing their claim. Although there may be a road to your property, be sure it's "approved". Changing the road can lead to many difficult issues as well.

All that said, it's a beautiful area!
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Old 12-13-2014, 09:27 AM   #8
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Are you sure you can just develop a Mining Claim property? For personal use?
Mining Claims & Sites

I am just wondering after reading up on this subject????

Notice to Mining Claimants

Mining laws permit prospectors and miners to make reasonable use of a mining claim as long as the use is incident and necessary to prospecting, mining and processing operations under the 43 CFR 3809 & 3715 regulations. However, an erroneous impression sometimes exists to the effect that the act of staking a mining claim is the shortest route to obtaining public land for a homesite, weekend retreat, or other similarly unlawful purpose.
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Old 12-13-2014, 09:57 AM   #9
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Lincolnboy, I can't help you with local requirements, but my one word of advice is "Drainage" It can make or break your deal. Water is your enemy, both standing and moving. You have to keep positive drainage and if there is a lot of grade, you have to turn it away from the driveway frequently and never let it build momentum. This includes properly sized culverts or stabilized low water crossings, to deal with watershed from the high side. It looks like you have a gorgeous piece of property in a beautiful area. Doing it a little at a time is good but put you money into a properly drained foundation and driveway.
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Old 12-14-2014, 08:40 AM   #10
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Permitting is more important than you might think. A local lawyer here thought he could get away with building a 2 million dollar home and fight the town for the permits afterward. He built it, battled them for two years, and lost. They tore his house completely down and removed it at his expense.
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Old 12-14-2014, 09:53 AM   #11
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Plan on spending a lot of time at the building and planning dept.

First just make some rough drawings that have everything you plan on doing with rough dimensions and include sq ft and elevations with utilities and septic.

See what their response is.

Engineering may say fine but zoning may be otherwise.

Get approval in general before proceeding.

Do not buy anything before a permit is in hand
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Old 12-14-2014, 10:49 AM   #12
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everyones comments about zoning & building permits would be applicable if this was private property you bought; but as a mining claim that I assume is on Federal property, the rules & regulations are completely different.
Your primary concern should be to what extent you are going to have to pretend that you're actually mining this claim. Although some get away with this type of fraud, many get caught, thrown off the property and fined. Many times its a disgruntled neighbor or other miner wanting this claim, who turns you into the feds. Whatever improvements you make are at risk as soon as you stop mining operations, in fact you can be billed for the costs of cleanup & removal. Enforcement of that varies widely depending on the agency involved and the local management team.
I've developed 3 different raw land parcels into seasonal RV homebases, in 3 different states (SD,CO,NM), but those were all on private land that I purchased. So my experience has no relation to what you're allowed or required to do on a mining claim on public land.
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Old 12-14-2014, 10:54 AM   #13
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[QUOTE=Jim2;2344586]everyones comments about zoning & building permits would be applicable if this was private property you bought; but as a mining claim that I assume is on Federal property, the rules & regulations are completely different.

This is what I was trying to point out in post #8............From the reading I did, one cannot develop the "mining claim" into "personalized land" per say........No one has touched on the laws that govern "Mining claims" in that state
The laws are written, one just has to read and understand them.......
If it is as easy as getting a Mining claim to develop the land into a useable place to live in a RV, water well, electric run, sewage bed...........I'll be out
We need the OP back to straighten us out on this thread.........
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Old 12-15-2014, 09:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by palehorse89 View Post
Are you sure you can just develop a Mining Claim property? For personal use?
Mining Claims & Sites

I am just wondering after reading up on this subject????

Notice to Mining Claimants

Mining laws permit prospectors and miners to make reasonable use of a mining claim as long as the use is incident and necessary to prospecting, mining and processing operations under the 43 CFR 3809 & 3715 regulations. However, an erroneous impression sometimes exists to the effect that the act of staking a mining claim is the shortest route to obtaining public land for a homesite, weekend retreat, or other similarly unlawful purpose.
This is confusing to me too. It is private property that refers to the original surveys done by the Government.
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