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Old 03-26-2017, 09:55 AM   #1
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Question Essentials to buy PRIOR to picking up my first RV?

Here is my credit card, spend it

Taking factory delivery early June, what should I have with me prior to that point?

What essentials do you recommend prior to the first camping trip, even if a mini educational opportunity to learn? I have never RV'd before.

Also I will be staying at Newmar for the week I believe so what will I need to have with me during this time?

Thanks! Excited! Nervous! Insane! (have to be for having just purchased this on impulse!)
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Old 03-26-2017, 10:01 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by NealC View Post
Here is my credit card, spend it

Taking factory delivery early June, what should I have with me prior to that point?

What essentials do you recommend prior to the first camping trip, even if a mini educational opportunity to learn? I have never RV'd before.

Also I will be staying at Newmar for the week I believe so what will I need to have with me during this time?

Thanks! Excited! Nervous! Insane! (have to be for having just purchased this on impulse!)
Others will give you a long list of "good to haves", but the "must haves" are water and sewer lines which don't come with the new unit. When buying from a dealer you can buy them right there. I don't know about picking up at the factory.
Shell Bleiweiss
2014 1/2 Thor Challenger 37KT
Sedona, AZ
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Old 03-26-2017, 10:05 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by NealC View Post
Here is my credit card, spend it

Taking factory delivery early June, what should I have with me prior to that point?

What essentials do you recommend prior to the first camping trip, even if a mini educational opportunity to learn? I have never RV'd before.

Also I will be staying at Newmar for the week I believe so what will I need to have with me during this time?

Thanks! Excited! Nervous! Insane! (have to be for having just purchased this on impulse!)
Take the TOAD.

Clothes/bath towels/sheets/pillow

Coffee maker. - Cup's

Glass for Adult Beverages - Wine - Wine Glass - Beer Mug's - Koozies

Adult Beverage - Mixers - Beer and wine for the people you meet.

Fry Pan


Big Smile :-) and a firm Handshake to Meet and Greet your new found friends at Newmar

Credit card

Just Head to the Local Wal*Mart - and you will be fine they will have most everything you need - or Amazon Prime to deliver to you that first week.

Map to Nappanee

Best of Luck,

Location - Grasonville, Maryland - and/or - Superior, Colorado
2005 Travel Supreme 42DS04 - GX470 Toad
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Old 03-26-2017, 10:18 AM   #4
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I would call the factory first and find out what they suggest. Perhaps they provide some essentials for staying there. They should be able to provide a list of must haves.
Ask if there is a store nearby to their facility where you can buy things you need rather than drag them along with you. You will need to eat, you'll need toiletries, clothing, bedding etc.
Just imagine you are leaving your house and moving into the house next door for a week and there is nothing but bare walls in the new house. What would you take? The MH will be no different. Keep it simple until you get home and can sort things out in your head after you discover how much room you have and what you really want and need. You don't have to fully outfit the new home the first day you move into it.
Happy adventures!
2002 Fleetwood Storm 30H on Workhorse P32 chassis 8.1 gas.
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Old 03-26-2017, 10:22 AM   #5
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Neal, here is a starting list and my recommendations:

Full-flow water pressure regulator with gauge (Fairview)

Fresh-water hose (Zero G)

Utility water hose with nozzle for general use

"Y" fitting for the water spigot

In-line water filter for outside (Camco) and high-quality (1/2 micron) water filter under the sink for consumable water.


Black tank treatment (Happy Camper)


Tire pressure monitoring system (TireTraker)

Shorepower cable extension

High-quality EMS, electrical management system, that monitors EVERYTHING, not just a surge protector. (Progressive Industries HW-50C or PT-50X)

Good quality sewer hose with rubber "doughnut"

Sewer hose support

Windshield scrubber/squeegee with extension handle

Something to block the sun through the windshield when parked in the summer.

Set of reflective or lighted warning triangles to put out on the road in case of a breakdown!

Emergency Roadside Assistance plan

Good luck, happy trails, and God bless!
Joe & Annette
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits.....
2002 Monaco Windsor 40PBT, 2013 Honda CRV AWD
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Old 03-26-2017, 10:27 AM   #6
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A new coach usually comes with power cable, pressure regulator and sewer line. The sewer line usually sucks so you usually need an upgrade I like the Rino. The big thing that i know the dealer doesn't give but you should have is the progressive industries surge protector. The other thing i'd bring with you is the black tank treatment stuff. Other than that don't stress. You'll figure out what you need quickly.
2020 Tiffin Open Road 34PA
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Old 03-26-2017, 01:32 PM   #7
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Neal, If I read correctly, it will just be you and furbaby(ies). Being a male, some things wouldn't be as important right off the bat. Regardless, the Power Management (Progressive) would be the first thing. I had the advantage of going to Progressive and picking mine up and reading the instructions there before leaving, and even better if I had an issue direct phone support, and even better would be going right back by there on my way for the first weekend out, but no calls and a very easy install. Not having the advantage of seeing / touching makes some items harder. Unless you have access to a nearly identical coach, much stuff would be better held off on. If you can find the sizing for the bed, then a set of sheets and depending on space in the toad, pillow(s). A few hard plastic microwave plates, glasses and hardware. Toiletry items similar to a "go bag". As far other stuff, ask and see what they provide and the brand name. As was said earlier, hoses in both directions and an adjustable high flow water regulator. Even if they provide a less expensive sewer line, it should survive the week at the shop and ride home. Make a plan for an exterior intake water filter. I haven't done one yet, but mine will be a slightly larger one from a hardware store and I would suggest a minimum of a 5 micron filter. I have two in series in the big house and if mine seems to plug early I will do the same for the coach. Towels and washcloths. Everything else should be able to be obtained locally. We are still working through ours and each trip to Wal Mart or CW we spend much more time looking and imagining rather than actually buying. Most of all patience.
Kelly and Jerry Powell with Halo (Lethal White Aussie), Nash the Rat Terrorist, and now Reid, the "Brindle we have no idea puppy"
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Old 03-26-2017, 11:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by NealC View Post
Here is my credit card, spend it

Taking factory delivery early June, what should I have with me prior to that point?

What essentials do you recommend prior to the first camping trip, even if a mini educational opportunity to learn? I have never RV'd before.

Also I will be staying at Newmar for the week I believe so what will I need to have with me during this time?

Thanks! Excited! Nervous! Insane! (have to be for having just purchased this on impulse!)
Im suprised no on mentioned RV toilet paper. The home stuff does not dissolve like RV/marine easy break down material. Last thing you want is a pyramid of TP clogging up your sensors and your tank. Yes its more expensive, but will save a lot of headache rather than using the cheap crap[emoji3]
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Old 03-26-2017, 11:58 PM   #9
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Try to get the mfg to hardwire in a 50 amp Progressive unit for you before you go to pick it up..
Grab a styrofoam cooler,(for the frozen and chilled stuff, Your fridge will take a few hours to really get cold)
When you stop by Wallyworld for the initial groceries.
ie: fry pan set,casserole dish, spatula & forks/spoons.knives.....
Toaster oven sized cookie sheets/pans and silicone cooking "no burn" mats..... Dish soap & hand soap
a BIG roll of paper towels .. toilet paper,.CAN OPENER! melmac or similar plates & bowls,HOT MATS!.... LONG Reach Bic lighter or pack of 2
For the grub..REAL Coffee and a Percolator pot, COFFEE CUPS, stouffers frozen entree's(dinner), eggs,bacon,milk, frozen biskits in a sack (breakfast), peanut butter & jelly, bread, hot dawgs & buns,(lunch) Kraft Mac & Cheeze, frozen veggies, Hearty soups in cans,mushroom soup,onions Canned chicken & tuna fish,(make a can do it!)
( 1 box of Angel Food cake mix,1 box of any other flavor cake mix, 1 Gallon freezer bags) ( Hint! look up 321 cake!).

Your bed most likely will be what is known as a "Short Queen"
sheets,pillows,blankets bath & kitchen towels
After the initial few days then you can really go get what you need... but for now just the basic's should do.
You can fix anything you prepare at home in your rv galley....including Roasts,cakes,cookies, & BISKITS!!!!
Retired truck owner/driver,
Sign on this "Shack" says "Foretravel"
being pushed by an '06 Scion xB
SKP's of Livingston, TX
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Old 03-27-2017, 12:05 AM   #10
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A high quality air pump; i.e Viair, etc. and tire gauge will help you avoid a lot of trouble.
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Old 03-27-2017, 12:55 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by CatSP240WB View Post
Im suprised no on mentioned RV toilet paper. The home stuff does not dissolve like RV/marine easy break down material. Last thing you want is a pyramid of TP clogging up your sensors and your tank. Yes its more expensive, but will save a lot of headache rather than using the cheap crap[emoji3]
Actually, i have a feeling that not that many people pay the extra for the rv paper. If concerned about this, then there are house brands that work about the same. The rough Scotts 1000 sheet roll comes to mind. For us, we've always used the stuff from home. Never had a problem.

Must haves are (no particular order):

1. Foods that you like. Just about anything can be prepared but microwaveable things are nice at times to save time and effort. Sandwich stuff is good too.
2. Cooking utensils (frying pan, pot with lid, microwaveable bowl, soup/cereal bowls, plates, forks, knives, spoons, and a can opener)
3. Dish rags and towels, dish soap, paper towels
4. Clothing, shoes of course.
5. Toiletries (toothpaste, soap, deodorant, comb, razor, etc)
6. Toilet paper
7. Bedding (blanket, sheets, pillows)
8. Fresh water drinking safe hose (at least 25 feet in length), regulator
9. Sewer hose
10. 50 to 30 amp adapter
11. TPMS is something to think about, especially if on the road a lot
12. EMS/surge suppressor since you have the high dollar rig with lots of electronics
13. Important to me, an easy to use and clean up coffee maker
14. Long reach lighter
15. Tool kit with at least the basics such as socket set, screwdrivers, adjustable wrench, channel locks, allen wrenches, hammer, electrical and duct tapes.

Note: 8, 9, and 10 may come with the motorhome.
03 Itasca Sunova, Workhorse P32 with the 8.1 and 4L85-E
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Old 03-27-2017, 06:27 AM   #12
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If it's important to you in your house, it will be important to you in your house on wheels! We pretty much duplicated our sticks and bricks in our RV and only have to pack food and clothing when we want to hit the road!
Harold & Laura Buck
2000 Fleetwood Flair
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Old 03-27-2017, 07:55 AM   #13
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My coach is getting the Energy Management System included. Does this serve the same purpose as the Progressive unit? I see a discussion on it, although brief here.
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Old 03-27-2017, 08:55 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by NealC View Post
My coach is getting the Energy Management System included. Does this serve the same purpose as the Progressive unit? I see a discussion on it, although brief here.
Neal, that's probably just the system that "sheds" loads according to the power you're using, i.e. shore power, generator, or inverter. It might have some surge protection included, but never to the extent that the Progressive Industries units provide.
Joe & Annette
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits.....
2002 Monaco Windsor 40PBT, 2013 Honda CRV AWD
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