I'm a member of FMCA but have never attended one of their rallies. I hope some of iRV2's members that do attend will post their thoughts on their experience.
I pulled up their 'on line' rally package and it appears to be in a Fairgrounds environment with water 'available' and 30A elect., to the first 300 MHs @ $125 for the six days(that seems a little steep to me), plus $100 for MH w/2 adults and $30 for each additional persons. There's is a $40 charge for each adult passport for all the functions. They recommend arriving with full fuel, water and empty gray/black tanks...guess there's no sewer service.
I have read of a few rallies being rained on and the whole thing turned into a 'mud fest' with MHs being towed out of the mud. Also reports of being stuffed like sardines that made walking around your rig difficult. I'll be interested in hearing about this rally...I'd hate to shoulder that kind of expense(+fuel) for that kind of "camping" and find out all the activities just were not worth the effort. I guess these things can get enormous in numbers, hence the open field fairground camping...I dunno. Bob