Generator not producing power.
Also posted this in the RV Systems thread, but figured it may get more exposure here.
I have an Onan 4000 Microquiet (gas). Last week my air conditioner compressor fried and when it died it knocked out power to the generator, which was running at the time. No circuit breakers tripped, either in the RV, or on the generator itself. Resetting the generator breaker (which did not appear to be tripped) does not resolve the issue.
The RV shop I went to suspects the brushes are bad. Would a shorted circuit blow out the brushes or might it be more ominous? Any thoughts or procedures to troubleshoot this unit?
Also concerned as to why no breakers tripped, a/c, Main, or generator.
We're leaving on a trip soon and really need this generator to work!
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Burns & Diane
2005 Winnebago Aspect 26A/2012 Subaru Impreza toad
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