Originally Posted by fletch460
I read somewhere it is better economy to run the genset down the road then to use the engine a/c. Manual says genset burns .6 gal. with a/c running. That computes to about four miles of driving. Would engine be pulled down more? I understand less load is more power for running. If this can't be answered here it cant be. Any thoughts here?
So, if you are traveling down the road at 60 mph and use the generator, you would travel 56 miles in one hour if you subtract the 4 miles of fuel used to power the generator. If you leave the generator off how much further would the .6 gallons get you...4 miles. So is 8 miles the difference between using it and not using it or does anyone really know how much a dash air costs you in fuel milage in a 40,000 diesel pusher with 400hp and 1200 lbs. torque to turn a small compressor? It's like those tire facts stating that you get better fuel milage on well worn tread vs. new tread....true but it's a trade off. I say it is about a toss-up and do what is most comfortable at the time depending on how cool you want to be.