We received our iRV2 decal stickers yesterday. I like em... I like em. Now I just have to wait for the weather to warm up so I can make sure they stick down good.
Roger, Cindy & Dawg
02 F250 PSD/07 CF29RK Cruiser
You can get there from here, it just takes longer
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We received our iRV2 decal stickers yesterday. I like em... I like em. Now I just have to wait for the weather to warm up so I can make sure they stick down good.
Roger, Cindy & Dawg
02 F250 PSD/07 CF29RK Cruiser
You can get there from here, it just takes longer
WN57 come on down to Tallahassee. I think its about 80 degrees today. It ought to stick real well. Probably melt to the window. What ever happened to winter. My South Florida citrus trees growing in North Florida are gonna start blooming if it doesn't cool down soon. s/Toby.
2006 Holiday Rambler Ambassador 38PDQ
Click on SHIP to enlarge CGC Sagebrush