Originally Posted by KyleC
Yeah I see your point about being low. I have a bumper pull travel trailer. I wonder if you could put gas shocks on something to make it come up after sliding out for your case?
As for the water I thought about getting a separate container for the grey water waste.
I should have been more clear. If I were to build a slide out kitchen counter like the OP pictured, I could do it at a great height for standing there. The counter top would not be too low for someone standing there using it.
The problem would be that a sink in that counter top would have the drain below, and that might be too low to gravity feed into my grey water system, and additionally, when the grey water tank is fairly full, I would not want it backfeeding into this low sink, while in storage or in use.
I am not a big fan of using a portable blue waste container for the sink, but that would be the easiest to make.
2nd choice would be a tee at the point where my 3 inch waste water hose goes into a ground port for a full service site. But even if I use this option, I would still need another choice for when I am boondocking or camping at a less than full service site.
Last choice, hardest to perform, but most likely best, is to attach a pump, and float system on a small tank in that storage locker, that pumps the grey gravity feeds the drain of the sink to a small tank, and then pumps the water to the higher level so it can then drain into the on board grey water system.