All the previously posted information is good. It should lead a couple to be able to define what is important to them and then choose an RV that meets their needs. This is the key, what is important to each couple. My suggestion is to limit the list to a top 10 deal breaker items. After that, it's all a compromise. For me, my list of top 10 is:
1. Towing of 10K lbs minimum. The best is 12-15K lbs.
2. Seat belts for 8 people.
3. Eating places for 6 people minimum.
4. Sleeping places (comfortable) for 6 people. Room for a large air mattress on the floor.
5. NCC of 6K lbs. minimum.
6. Tag axle chassis.
7. This is Brand specific, Newmar Comfort Drive or a steering stabilzer equivilant.
8. Tire PSI monitoring system.
9. GPS
10. A bunk bed interior the wife likes.
Once people can define their top ten deal breakers, the choices will be narrowed and the decision made much more easily and with great confidence.