We were strolling through CW the other day, and they had a chair on display - it was the rEvolve chair.... For those of you who haven't seen one yet check it out...
Revolve Llc - rEvolve Chair - Outdoor Chairs - Camping World
This is something that i cam up with about 10 years ago when the folding camp chairs were getting more and more popular and more and more affordable...
Sitting around a camp fire one evening at the lake talking in a circle with friends, i thought, "wouldn't it be nice to be able to swivel back and forth and talk to my neighbor with ease?!?!" "It would be cool if this chair had a base that sput you around like a bar stool, yet still folded up..."
Then a friend of mine had neck surgery and was un-able to move her neck left and right for a very long time and the thought came back to me, "man a swivel chair would be cool" -
Then I saw it... Right there in the CW showroom - Complete with speakers in the headrest.. I was so angry at myself for not acting on my idea... and swore someone stole it from me from that night sitting at the campfire...
What have you "invented" that never made you your Millions becasuse someone else built it???
I know there are so many things that i think, "Man if I need something that does ________ so would others..." yet i don't do anything about it, and sure enough later on you see it in the store, and a story about a man who invented _________ and is living high on the hog