I notice when I roll out my Dometic awning out I see something on the end with wires coming out of it. I am wondering if this is normal or is it supposed to have some kind of a cover on it?
Joe Koppel-San Diego
2014 Fleetwood Bounder 33C
Full Time
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That little bell shaped thing out there is the wind sensor! Take a leaf blower and aim at it and see if it will automatically windup! Be sure sensor is turned on!
That little bell shaped thing out there is the wind sensor! Take a leaf blower and aim at it and see if it will automatically windup! Be sure sensor is turned on!
Your eyes are better than mine! I don't see a "bell shaped" thingy! Are you talking about the white plastic thingy?
Joe & Annette
Sometimes I sits and thinks, sometimes I just sits.....
2002 Monaco Windsor 40PBT, 2013 Honda CRV AWD
Yes! Mine is chrome on my A&E awning! That is the wind sensor! You should have a control box in one of the outside storage cabinets that you can turn on and off the sensor! You can also pick the wind speed you want it to roll up at! You can turn it on and off by the remote! Holding the top 2 buttons down for 5 seconds turns it on and holding the bottom 2 buttons down for 5 seconds turns it off! You want to be sure it is off if you tie the awning down!