We've found a short RV floorplan that really suits us. It has two twin beds with a center aisle and rear bath.
We have seen the Coachmen Orion. It is the second floorplan in the picture. This is on the Ford Transit Chassis. And the Sunseeker 2370 also on the Ford Transit Chassis. Unfortunately we are too tall to be able to drive the Ford Transit comfortably so that chassis is out.
We then tried the Axis/Vegas 25.5 on the Ford E450 chassis and that one has too much impingement on the passenger side foot well from the dog house so those are out.
Then we tried the Thor Citation (the first floor plan) which is on the Mercedes Chassis. We love this chassis. Plenty of foot room. But the slide drives the cargo carrying capacity down to 960 lbs. We think if we can find this floor plan on the Mercedes chassis without a slide we will have found our RV.
Anyone ever seen it? Or any other RVs not mentioned above with this floor plan? We are trying to stay short and no slides so as to be able to carry lawn chairs and such.
Thanks for any and all suggestions!