I got my lab results back from the doctor and they were not good. My "titer" (not sure what it is but the doc said it is the test for Lyme) showed levels up from what they were before. He also said my liver enymes were not good and that my calcium was low. He said that he is not sure how it is all connected. I go back for more labs on Tues and will hopefully find out more. The movers took all of our stuff Thursday and we are leaving Friday. I am still tired and trying to get the house ready to pass inspection. Luckily dh is pretty much checked out so he is being a big help.
I won't get my lab results until we are at Ft. Polk, but the dr has told me to make an appt as soon as I arrive there so that I have it when my results arrive. He also said that Ft. Polk has one of the best army clinics and that all the med records now are computerized so the new doc will have all of my info and results.
Well, I will let you guys know how it goes. Not sure if they will put me on stronger antibiotics or if they will want me on iv meds. At least we will be closer to my mom so if they decide to put me in the hospital, she can come and help with the kiddos as dh will be leaving for predeployment training shortly after we arrive.
For those praying folks out there, keep us in your prayers please. This is gonna be one wild ride.
Luckily I have a great bunch of kids and a helpful hubby.