Originally Posted by jsbusness
I have an 1999 Bounder. There is a rectangular map light fixture located above the dash under the cabinet where the TV is located. I do not know how to open this fixture (no visible screws) to check the bulbs. Don't want to break the plastic cover by prying too hard. Anyone familiar with this?
One day I was replacing the radio, i noticed a relay slot in the fuse box under the the lift up dash. The slot did not have a relay in it so I pulled the relay next to it a put it in the slot with no relay. My map light worked for the first time. I moved the relay back and have not thought about it since. How many relays you have in the under the dash fuse box. Mine has two, should be three. I think the relay was pulled to save the battery.
Btw the map light is controlled by the dash dimmer wheel.