Newbie's Dad getting ready to buy- suggestions?
My father is retiring this year and is almost ready to plunk down the dough to buy a used 2006 Damon Astoria Pacifica 3675'. What can you generally speak of this coach? Pointers, perhaps other brands (just in case). It has 35K miles on it but of course is 10 years old .asking $70K Thanks for your candid suggestions in advance! He is new to RVing and I am a trailer guy. He does not want to pay much more than the owner is asking for any rig but is unfamiliar with companies, etc. We figure he will have to be in the "about 10 years old" category due to the price point.
2006 Airstream Safari 25, ProPride Hitch, 2022 Ford F150 12mpg tow avg.; '15 Vespa GTS 300S camp toy;