I just got a new notice in the mail yesterday it effects Dometic/Norcold 1200, 1201,1210,1211 models serial numbers 315525 -13088811, says to turn off asap and go get fixed, sorry if its been posted
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2014 Phaeton 36gh
2008 Jeep Rubicon or 2012 Ford F150 4x4 Lariat towds
or a couple of different trailers
Retired in Apple Valley, California
__________________ Lori (& Dave, my spirit guide) - RV/MH Hall of Fame Lifetime Member | My iRV2 Photo Albums 2016 Phoenix Cruiser 2350S, 2018 Phaeton 40IH,2006 Bounder 36Z, 2004 Cougar 285EFS, 2000 Aerolite 25FBR There is great need for a sarcasm font.
And Norcold is not a Dometic product - Norcold is a subsidiary of Thetford. I edited the thread title to remove the implication that Dometic has a new recall.
Gary Brinck
Former owner of 2004 American Tradition and several other RVs
Home is now West Palm Beach, FL