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Old 12-12-2014, 05:06 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by sknight View Post
We quoted off the purchase price, not the actual MSRP value. The underwriter changed the price.
I think that I would ask them if it gets totaled tomorrow would they be paying you MSRP? If not, then they need to charge you rates based on the purchase price.

Originally Posted by datrbone8 View Post
Why would you think an RV policy on a 40 ft diesel pusher motor home was the same as an auto policy ?
Originally Posted by chawkins99 View Post
It has an internal combustion engine, wheels and rolls down the road under it's own power.

Why would it NOT be considered an auto?

At what point is it no longer an auto?
I'd say that when it is to their advantage to do so. I used to own a racecar and I had to insure it with vehicle "pit and paddock" insurance, to protect against fire, non-track related damage or theft. I could not get generic value insurance on it, not to mention homeowners coverage. I was told by more than one company that if it has wheels and a motor it falls under the "automotive" category, period.
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Old 12-12-2014, 06:37 PM   #30
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Genset, Give me a tip as to what one should look for concerning where the money goes. I have a bad premonition about it. Thanks
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Old 12-12-2014, 07:42 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by datrbone8 View Post
Why would you think an RV policy on a 40 ft diesel pusher motor home was the same as an auto policy ?
Probably because my USAA AUTOMOBILE POLICY Packet lists my 3 vehicles, one of which is the Motorhome. Provides identical coverage to the 3 vehicles including comprehensive and towing. USAA has covered my RV's on the Automobile Policy since 1983.
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Old 12-12-2014, 08:03 PM   #32
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I will never use Progressive Ins.

Personally I will never do business with Progressive because George Soros money is backing the company.
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Old 12-13-2014, 12:40 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by PushedAround View Post
I think that I would ask them if it gets totaled tomorrow would they be paying you MSRP? If not, then they need to charge you rates based on the purchase price.
That's the good part, if there is one. I directly asked, and just the value is based off the MSRP and the depreciation goes down at a predictable rate based off that number.

So if there's a silver lining, that's it. If it gets totaled I'll end up profiting from it.
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Old 12-14-2014, 12:29 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by sknight View Post
They're all shifty. I got a quote from State Farm for my camper. Now let me clarify, I had a budget in mind with a little "I really want it" buffer built in. Well, when I got the financing quote it ate up most of my buffer. So I called my agent, took the actual copy of the contract with me. The quote took me right up to my budgeted limit. I signed the papers and took delivery.

Two months later I look at my statement from SF and noticed that not only did the camper policy go up $15 a month but they were hitting me for $30 worth of back charges.

I called and found out they misquoted me. I told them that we needed to work something out as I would not have bought the camper had they done their job and quoted me correctly. The answer?

Sorry. We quoted off the purchase price, not the actual MSRP value. The underwriter changed the price.

They suck, it's a racket and frankly I dislike dealing with them.
If bitching to your agent doesn't help, file a formal complaint with the company directly. Make sure you use the words "I am making a formal complaint ..." because that makes the incident an entirely different matter and the company must, because of state requirements, treat your complaint differently ... track its receipt, its response, respond within X number of days, etc.

Be very specific about why you are complaining ... "I was quoted one price and charged another" or "The company raised my rates when there was no change in the risk" or something similar. I will tell you, though, that on a new policy, the company does have the right to review what the agent has sent it, and do its own underwriting (assessing the risk) accordingly.

Also, be factual, rather than emotional, in your approach. "I told my agent this -- a, b, c -- and he told me x, y, z ..." and "I showed him all of the paperwork that clearly shows both the purchase price and the MSRP (if that's the case). If the agent based on quote on the wrong number, I should not be penalized."

If you still get no satisfaction, complain -- again, make sure you use the words "I am making a formal complaint ..." -- with your state insurance department. They are every easy to find with a Google search, and every one of them -- I guarantee -- has a link to filing a complaint with them. Insurance departments are a great resource because they are there for one reason, and one reason only ... to protect consumers.

By the way ... There is nothing stopping you from shopping around for a new policy right now. You don't have to wait until the end of policy to do that. Insurance is a commodity. You can switch at any time if you find a better deal somewhere else ... today, even.
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Old 12-14-2014, 12:49 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by leadman View Post
I just left state Farm after 47 years with them. I retired early and lost alot of money in the market and was really trying to reduce spending. called my SF agent about a couple of errors on my policies and he said correcting them would make no difference in cost. finally insisted on correction and they did make a difference in costs.
Got my Progressive RV policy today and they want me to sign a form that household members are only covered for $15k, $30k of libility ins. My policy is for $250K, $500k.
I'm not signing it and it was deceitful to not disclose this when I was not told this when discussing the liability limits when purchasing the policy.
I am a journalist who has written about insurance for many years. I am NOT, however, an agent or an insurance company employee. Nor am I a lawyer. That said ....

This may refer to limiting the insurance company wanting to limit their exposure to named drivers. Those are the primary drivers whose names actually appear on the policy. The insurance company has vetted those drivers, and so will go higher on their liability exposure for them. They want to limit their exposure, however, for other drivers -- typically younger and inexperienced drivers in the family, or neighbors, who don't have experience driving the RV. If you limit behind-the-wheel time to the named drivers -- and I think most of us do that -- the lower liability limits shouldn't be problem. As you point out, the lower liability limits only apply to the RV policy, and not to your family personal auto policy.
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Old 12-14-2014, 12:54 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by chawkins99 View Post
I actually like Geico. I've had 2 claims with them (one totaled car and a boat with a blown motor). Both were handled well by Geico.
My homeowners insurance was through Geico but actually underwritten by Liberty Mutual.
Earlier this year, I was reviewing my mortgage account and saw that they had popped my homeowners insurance 30% for each of the last 3 years and NEVER NOTIFIED ME.
I contacted Liberty Mutual and told them to let me know of any future premium increases. They sent me a notice at renewal time... Another 30% increase. I then got the quote from Progressive and called my mortgage company to advise that I was changing insurers and not to pay Liberty Mutual.
They advised me that the payment to LM had already been processed. They were able to stop the check.
That's just another example of insurance shady practices.

BTW: the quote from Progressive even after removing the multiple-policy discount was still $500 LESS than Liberty Mutual's latest premium.
I wasn't aware liberty mutual had a true RV policy. They have insured my S&B and auto for 30 years and was told by them they just have a stated amount policy which might not cover awnings and other issues.
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Old 12-14-2014, 12:55 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Dutch Star Don View Post
Insurance companies are all over the place. I grew up with State Farm, on my parent's policy, until I was 18 and got my own with State Farm. We had our house, cars, RV and boat with them. After 20 years when my daughters reached driving age, I increased my coverage and began paying extra for them to drive on my policy. After the initial quote, my policy went up every six months. I questioned my long time agent about the increases and he told me it wouldn't happen again. Guess what.

I was discussing this with our friends who had kids and were in the same situation. They brought up a great companies will NEVER show an allegiance to you, why show one to them.

I called AAA (a non profit organization) and changed all of my insurance over to them, except the motor home. I immediately saved a $1000.00 a year. AAA didn't insure motor homes at that time. I bought a separate policy for the RV with Progressive. They were good for four years and then started with large unexplained explained increases (this was posted by many several years ago when this happened). I called AAA and they were now insuring RV's. My policy went from $1400.00 a year to $1000.00.

Note: Insurance coverage has a lot to do with claims you make and credit rating. My credit rating has always been 780+ and I made my first insurance claim, in 30 years, last year when I broke the motor home windshield.

When I left State Farm after 20+ years, the agent wasn't even courteous enough to call and say a word.

So the around every year, if you're not getting the best deal, move on. They may say they're giving you longevity discounts, but they'll be increasing your policy elsewhere.
This explains one of the strengths of America's insurance marketplace -- it is a highly competitive market. As Dutch Star Don rightly points out, shop around and move on if you can get a better deal somewhere else.
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Old 12-14-2014, 03:22 PM   #38
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When we went full time (no longer owned a home - no longer were covered by the personal liability provided by the home owners policy) we were forced to go shopping for insurance. Not only did I want the personal liability (full timer) coverage, I also wanted the full replacement cost coverage. The company I retired from, after over 30 years (State Farm) did not offer that type of coverage at the time.

It broke my heart, but Progressive was the lowest quote for what I wanted for coverage and limits. I've renewed twice since then, they've remained the lowest quote, by a substantial margin so far. I've not had a claim with them.

As for the definition of "auto", it will be defined within your policy, it's something your agent should be familiar with, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they are not (quite the contrary). A semi tractor also has an engine, wheels, and moves under it's own power, but it doesn't qualify for an auto policy either. At state farm the RV policies were underwritten by the auto company, but they were policies specific to RVs. Again, an agent SHOULD be able to recognize this and explain it to you at the time of quote or purchase. Problem with going on-line is there may not be a warm body anywhere in the process, the computer program is just taking you at your word. While you can't be faulted for it, you did not know what Progressive's definition of "auto" was when you completed the on-line form. When it got to underwriting, sometime after you made the purchase, someone there did recognize the conflict. In my opinion, this reveals a flaw in their on-line application process. Once you responded that you had an "auto" policy with them it should have prompted you for the policy number, the system should then have been able to immediately recognize that your RV policy did not qualify and should have told you so at the time.

No one likes surprises but the problem isn't so much the products being offered and sold as it is the sales reps don't understand what they are selling, the people creating the on-line application process probably understand even less.

For what it's worth. I've very recently heard that State Farm agents can, in some states, offer full time RV liability coverage to existing customers transitioning from home ownership to living in their RV. It is my understanding this is not available to a first time customer, it is being offered as many agents (including my old agent, no doubt) complained they were losing life long loyal customers after retirement when they chose to live the life on wheels.
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Old 12-14-2014, 04:25 PM   #39
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My experience with premiums is insurance companies would rather find new customers than keep the one's they have. Never had a claim in 50 years of driving. I now regularly change companies once a year or once every two years. The premiums are raised purely do to greed.
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Old 12-14-2014, 07:28 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Tha_Rooster View Post
I wasn't aware liberty mutual had a true RV policy. They have insured my S&B and auto for 30 years and was told by them they just have a stated amount policy which might not cover awnings and other issues.
The Liberty Mutual policy was for Homeowners insurance. Not RV. I had most policies including homeowners through Geico but the homeowners was subbed to Liberty Mutual.
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Old 12-14-2014, 07:45 PM   #41
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One more example of the 'honorable' insurance industry:

When I first purchased my coach from Camping World , they obtained an insurance quote from Good Sam way below anything I could get elsewhere so I agreed to go with them.

Six weeks later, they raised my rate by 200%

When I called them about it, they said they had used the wrong rate sheets. I told them they could not charge one rate to draw you in and then hike it six weeks later. They agreed to maintain the lower rate for the duration of the (six month) policy, then hiked it up again. At that time, they were still lower than the others so I stayed with them for another year before switching to Progressive.
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Old 12-17-2014, 08:38 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by VAParrothead View Post
If bitching to your agent doesn't help, file a formal complaint with the company directly. Make sure you use the words "I am making a formal complaint ..." because that makes the incident an entirely different matter and the company must, because of state requirements, treat your complaint differently ... track its receipt, its response, respond within X number of days, etc.

Be very specific about why you are complaining ... "I was quoted one price and charged another" or "The company raised my rates when there was no change in the risk" or something similar. I will tell you, though, that on a new policy, the company does have the right to review what the agent has sent it, and do its own underwriting (assessing the risk) accordingly.

Also, be factual, rather than emotional, in your approach. "I told my agent this -- a, b, c -- and he told me x, y, z ..." and "I showed him all of the paperwork that clearly shows both the purchase price and the MSRP (if that's the case). If the agent based on quote on the wrong number, I should not be penalized."

If you still get no satisfaction, complain -- again, make sure you use the words "I am making a formal complaint ..." -- with your state insurance department. They are every easy to find with a Google search, and every one of them -- I guarantee -- has a link to filing a complaint with them. Insurance departments are a great resource because they are there for one reason, and one reason only ... to protect consumers.

By the way ... There is nothing stopping you from shopping around for a new policy right now. You don't have to wait until the end of policy to do that. Insurance is a commodity. You can switch at any time if you find a better deal somewhere else ... today, even.
Thanks for the advice, I'm also shopping insurance. An American Family agent is actually pursuing me fairly hard, claiming that not only can she do better financially, but can offer me policies that SF refused to, such as a separate policy on my camera gear.

My work year ends on Friday, I'll be doing a lot of work over the holidays getting that in order. My SF agent recently made me mad personally (We were friends outside of business, then I was dumb enough to transfer to him, got misquoted, now he made me mad on something else.) so I'll end up hurting him the deepest way possible, by taking my $570 a month worth of business elsewhere.

If I don't move I'm going to file the complaint you mentioned, it only went up $15 but that is a full $10 a month over my budget and they did quote me in writing.
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