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Old 05-30-2016, 11:30 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by SarahW View Post
Some people will never get it, and I hope they never NEED a policeman.

As myself, Sarah, Mike, Brian and the other LEOs/supporters have said, just follow the rules/laws and there won't be any problem. It's that simple.

Ok, so you're ONLY going 1 mph, or 5 mph or 10 mph over the limit, well, that's BREAKING the law, BECAUSE it is OVER the posted speed limit. PERIOD.

You all keep saying "officer discretion". Well, in my experience, "officer discretion" is directly proportional to the officer's encounter with the violator. You give him an attitude, he'll probably give you a ticket, you admit your transgressions, be respectful, and you may just get a warning. Either way YOU HAVE BROKEN THE LAW, which the officer is sworn to uphold.

It never ceases to amaze me, the number of folks on this forum (not just this thread) THAT THINK THE RULES/LAWS DON'T APPLY TO THEM.
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Old 05-31-2016, 05:14 AM   #86
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Rural Speed Traps

So, I guess I am one of those who is now considered a non-supporter of Law Enforcement Officers based on this thread. It's been posted that moving violations aren't a money maker, that it's as simple as not exceeding the speed limit, etc.

Below is an article about the area me and a few others on this thread have talked about. As you will see the city/police budgets for these areas is heavily dependent on these citations. You can also read about the 6 speed changes in a 2 mile stretch. They weren't gradually slower either, they were fast then slow, fast then slow, fast then slow. After the police force was disbanded, and started being patrolled by the county and FHP, the tickets went from over a thousand a month to under 300 a month. The city also recommended the speed limit for that 2 mile stretch be changed to 1 continuos speed limit.

It's not always as simple as following the rules, when the system is set up to trap you. If you were familiar with the area you knew when to start hitting the brakes, if you weren't familiar then by the time you realized what the new speed limit was it was often to late.

Oh yeah, my Grandfather was a Sheriff of a small town, 2 Uncles retired detectives, and myself a retired Federal Law Enforcement Official with 25 years. I have a great respect for most LEO's.

This is from one article. For this area you can find articles from CNN, NY Times, Time magazine, as well as countless others.

"But in Waldo, traffic citations paid for 60 percent of the police force’s budget and almost half the city’s budget.

The town of Hampton, which the Legislature came close to dissolving for breathtaking corruption last year, funded its entire police budget with traffic citations with money left over.

Both towns are along U.S. 301, an otherwise nice drive through the heart of North Florida.

Waldo had six different speed- limit changes on U.S. 301 and a billboard outside the city limits put up by the AAA warning of speed traps ahead.

The last time I drove through the place, on my way out of Gainesville, I wondered why the cars in front of me were suddenly braking for no apparent reason. I would have passed them but soon saw a car already pulled over by police ahead. And then another one pulled over at the very next block.

I figured the drivers in front of me were local and knew the drill. Close call.

The town of Lawtey also is on U.S. 301 and its traffic fines pay more than half the town’s police force budget. It shares with Waldo the distinction of being the only two towns in America singled out as speed traps by AAA complete with warning billboard."
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Old 05-31-2016, 05:32 AM   #87
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While you are sitting by the side of the road waiting for your ticket, about a dozen Harleys, without any mufflers, will deafen you.
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Old 05-31-2016, 06:52 AM   #88
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Rural Speed Traps

As there are no proposed solutions, only whining gripes and futile arguments, the value of this thread is zero.
I will continue to enjoy old highways by the sensible use of my eyes and my right foot.

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Old 05-31-2016, 06:54 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by WeBRVing View Post

As myself, Sarah, Mike, Brian and the other LEOs/supporters have said, just follow the rules/laws and there won't be any problem. It's that simple.
like I said before, look what happened to Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner. Sometimes the "rules" are unjust and corrupt.

I've been flat out robbed by Chicago coppers who were highwaymen. And I knew several Chicago coppers who shook people down and one who was a burglar on the side. On the other hand, being an Irish guy in an Irish neighborhood, I was helped out of a couple of jams by coppers too, so it evened out. And I hung around in a tavern that was frequented by both cops <and> Outfit guys, that was interesting.

Just because you haven't encountered the seamier side of things doesn't mean it isn't out there.
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Old 05-31-2016, 07:33 AM   #90
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"I couldn't follow the third story'

Yes on both of the first 2 incidents.

A short version of the last.

I had a 95 V10 Dodge truck. When we decided it was time for kid #2 and the wife was going to take off work for some time, I put it up for sale. Just to get rid of the payment. her parents had a camper and an old Chevy truck in really bad shape. They decided to buy the truck from us. At that time they had really bad credit and would have got a terrible interest rate. We contacted out bank and our insurance company and both said it's ok for them just to start making the payments, and list them as drivers and change the primary location on the insurance to their address. Legally you can buy a relative a vehicle and insure it for them its really intended for parents to buy cars for kids but the laws don't specify which direction that has to go so kids can buy their parents a car.

They had the truck several months then one day it was gone. After a time, the insurance company contacted me about paying it off. We had added alot of accessories and had all the receipts and pictures of doing it so they payed pretty well for it. On the day i received the check in the mail the sheriff office calls and says they found my truck. I called the insurance company and told them that and asked what to do. They said I could keep the check and turn the truck over to them or keep the truck and send the check back, then another claim will be opened to deal with any damage.

Since I had no idea what condition it was in and even if it looks good, the motor and transmission could have damage that won't show so we let them have the truck. Somehow, the next step was I had to go to the towing company that had it and release it to the insurance company, because it was titled to me so they had to deliver it to me.

I went by to sign whatever it was, and told the guy I was there about the silver truck. They didn't have a silver truck, they had a white truck. Whoever had it did a great paint job but failed to fix a little ding on the tailgate. They told me not to touch it because the investigation was still in progress. I snapped a picture then signed the paper. On of their drivers commented that he will be glad when it's gone because the investigator wants it kept inside the shop so every time they needed the shop he had to move it out and back in. I still had the key to it so I asked if they wanted the key. I had no use for it now. I dropped it into the back of the truck and left.

That's when it all went crazy. The next day i get a call from an investigator to come in and give a statement about what happened. I had nothing to hide and just wanted to help them figure out who stole it. It was also not in my possession at the time so I really didn't' have any knowledge about it other than what the inlaws told me. he said he had a standard report form that had blanks to fill in to make it easy. he typed as I said some things. Then he printed it and we went up front to have it notarized. Then it got real crazy. he took me to another room to finish up a few details. it was just me and him. That's when he went off the first time accusing me of lying on the statement and was threatening to put me in jail for a long long time for attempting an insurance job. I was shocked and it took me some time to get my thought together. We were in there for about an hour. Finally I told him that I'm not lying and what I told him was the truth and I've had enough and if he wants to arrest me then lets do it. He still threatened to but never did. I finally said I'm done with this and just walked out.

For weeks he would come by my house late at night wanting to take me on rides down the road to talk. I would be followed by the same brown car every time I went somewhere. He lso gave me a number and said when the inlaws came back to town to call him and if I didn't call him he would arrest me. After a few days of thinking about that, I called it and he showed up in moments, like he was just around the corner. i tossed the card onto his seat and told him that if he couldn't find a 40 foot motor home in the town of 50 people 9we lived in a small town then) then he needed to go back to investigator school. I guess that really made him mad because the threats and harassment got even worse. That;s when I had to contact the district attorneys office to file a harassment complaint. He called one more time after that with threatening words then got quiet.

A few weeks after that I got a call telling me that I had to go to a meeting in a judges office and that custody of the truck will be assigned. The judges secretary told me this was standard procedure on a vehicle that the DMV was wanting to seize. The judge asked me if I had any claims to it, I said I'm the owner and I want to release it to the insurance company. There was a rep from the insurance company to claim it, and there was this investigator there and he stared me down the whole time without blinking.

After them meeting, i talked to the insurance guy, who my wife was doing her nails, and he said this was actually very uncommon and unusual, especially the way it all went down, with some things that I didn't even know about. he said he's been having to move it to a locked storage becuase this investigator guy keeps wanting to tear it apart and they've already inspected it several times and there is nothing in it.

After some more time, i get called to a grand jury hearing. That went on for hours, but it was mostly silly questions from one guy like what day was your son born. id' tell him the date and he would say no, what weekday. I couldn't remember but he kept going asking it over and over. Finally another lady told him to stop asking that question. Then I asked of I could ask a question. The assistant DA running th show said I could but it was unusual and I didn't have a lawyer present so it was not recommended. i said I wanted to ask anyway.

I asked "why and I here, and what evidence is there that places me here"

She (assistant DA) explained the process of why I was there and how this hearing works and why. Then she directed the next question to the investigation officer that was guess who.

He him hawed around a bit then she ordered him to answer the question. he said the guy that had the truck said i told him he could have it when he was caught with it. The room was quiet for what seemed like forever, so i spoke up and said seriously, is that it, what would anyone expect a thief to say when they are caught with a stolen truck. I asked if there was anything else besides just that and the room was quiet. After more time, I stood up and said well it looks like there really wasn't a reason for me to be here after all and said I'm going now. The room was entirely quiet again as I walked out.

Later, runninginto the insurance adjuster again, i asked what the heck was going on with all that. He then told me a lot more. Whoever had the truck had a key and my key that I gave the tow truck driver still worked. The truck was being used to transport stolen heavy equipment, and the way it was found, was the guys daughter had her boyfriend over on a Sunday evening, and he saw the V10 and wanted to go try it out. They took it to a favorite mud hole and get it buried so deep that they had to call a wrecker to get it out. They were trying to get it back home and cleaned up before her dad found out they took it mudding. Being teenagers, they didn't count on the tow drivers don't touch a vehicle before they verify the vin with the sheriff office. As soon as the call was placed, the girl and the boyfriend took off running out into the woods. When they were caught their statement was the guy that it belonged to gave it to them. he also said that a friend of my FIL was part of the investigation. he used to work for a heavy equipment company. Another funny thing. When it was recovered his jacket was in the back seat. He also told me that the investigator was still trying to seize the truck and it has become a pain for him because he had to keep moving it to different storage facilities to keep this guy from breaking into it.

A few years later is when the investigator was on the front page of the paper for beating the guy in jail so bad that he almost killed him. I've thought about going to the courthouse and getting all the records on this because they are all available to the public. Maybe some day.
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Old 05-31-2016, 07:59 AM   #91
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[QUOTE=Mike and Cha;3091838]Simply not true, unless you've written Police Budgets you have no idea how much the revenue from tickets is not "making a fast buck" as the labor alone costs more than the revenue to the City gets in return.......
I don't know where you are coming from that I assumed anything to do with your experience so I don't know where you get that.
Your accusation that I don't know unless I've written the budget, is what I responded to. My cousin used to tell stories about his duties, and the 3 others I mentioned were friends.....talking about "quotas" a bar, drinking.
One was a good friend since passed....the two others were his friends. The subject, as you may know, comes up in conversation often.
I do know that traffic fines are very low on the budget totem pole. The city's fines and permits, have far more influence on said budget.

Really, my main point was that they're certainly expected to produce tickets.
That, and ticketing people for going less than 5mph over, or accelerating before the post speed increase sign, is nuts.
I didn't mean to come across nasty, I've just talked to family members before about it. My Ex had 3 close family members in Law enforcement, including his grandfather, a high court judge in Los Angeles that married us, along with 2 uncles on the force. Until Daniel's death and our divorce, our family get-together's could be quite entertaining.
So, I really DO have respect for law enforcement. Just not for the ones taking their jobs so seriously they feel the need to harang folks for extremely minor infractions.
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Old 05-31-2016, 08:05 AM   #92
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This thread has gone way off the original topic. It's time to move on.

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