If any of you Alaska travelers make it to Seward, you MUST go to "Le Barn Appetite" . . . it is owned by the most fascinating man you will meet! He moved to Seward in the 60's, was a deep sea diver, dove after the Tsunami in Resurrection Bay . . . he is a school teacher and owns a bed and breakfast with a little restaurant that makes the most WONDERFUL crepes you have ever tasted! He's also quite witty and will keep you laughing and on your toes while you eat. He makes ONE CREPE AT A TIME - doesn't advertise - prefers the personal interaction with his "guests". Ask for directions when you get there - I could drive there but couldn't tell you how to get there! Also - if you get to Kenai, don't miss the native SALMON BAKE! It's across from Beluga Look Out RV park!! Enjoy!!