My lovely wife accidentally scratched our Corian counter top (a nice long scratch!). We were not happy, but since I have done quite a bit of woodworking, I figured this was a chance to see if I could fix it. Turns out it was a piece of cake.
I sanded the scratch area with wet 600 grit paper until the scratch was gone. This left a very dull area where I sanded it. I then sanded with wet 1500 grit. Wow -- almost perfect. Finally, I scrubbed it with liquid Bar Keeper's Friend (an abrasive cleaner) and then waxed it with a cleaner wax. The end result was outstanding. No scratch and no dull area -- you can not see where the scratch was.
This was a very easy fix to perform and makes me very pleased to have the Corian versus the laminate counter. RV Community - Are you about to start a new improvement on your RV or need some help with some maintenance? Do you need advice on what products to buy? Or maybe you can give others some advice? No matter where you fit in you'll find that iRV2 is a great community to join. Best of all it's totally FREE!
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My lovely wife accidentally scratched our Corian counter top (a nice long scratch!). We were not happy, but since I have done quite a bit of woodworking, I figured this was a chance to see if I could fix it. Turns out it was a piece of cake.
I sanded the scratch area with wet 600 grit paper until the scratch was gone. This left a very dull area where I sanded it. I then sanded with wet 1500 grit. Wow -- almost perfect. Finally, I scrubbed it with liquid Bar Keeper's Friend (an abrasive cleaner) and then waxed it with a cleaner wax. The end result was outstanding. No scratch and no dull area -- you can not see where the scratch was.
This was a very easy fix to perform and makes me very pleased to have the Corian versus the laminate counter.