On our former Class C I stowed the sewer hose, elbow, rubber donut, 5-inch clear section, hose rinse cap, Valterra Flush King and a rubber strap wrench in a plastic tote that fit into a lower compartment. That compartment also held the spare sewer hose (capped), the fresh and dirty water hoses, the 90-degree elbow for the fresh water inlet and other miscellaneous small items.
I use the same tote for our current Class A. NOTE: The 15-foot sewer hose is about four feet long when collapsed, so it must be bent to fit inside the tote.
The bumper in our Class C was not designed to hold sewer hoses. From what I've read (including a post made on another of your threads), even if the sewer hose fittings fit inside the bumper on your coach the rust prematurely ruins the hoses- and the bumper, too, I suspect.
There are a number of clever sewer hose storage designs around the Web, if you'd rather not, or can't, put them in a tote/compartment. I'd think that at two feet each you'd not need something too sophisticated, though.
2008 Holiday Rambler Admiral 30PDD (Ford F-53 chassis)
2009 Honda Fit Sport (automatic)