Slide Room Gasket Sweep
Ok... I'm hoping someone will know the answer to my conundrum. When we purchased our motorhome a couple years ago there was a miscellaneous strip of what appeared to be Velcro on one of the slide room exterior walls. I didn't know what it was, so I removed it.... Today, while watching a video of a new 5th wheel, the gal doing the video pointed out that the strips on the slide room walls were there to sweep the gasket, so it lays in the proper position when opening and closing the slide. I have always had to pull the gasket out when the room is extended. My question is, is there a specific material that is used for this purpose, or could I just use a new Strip of Velcro?
Leanne & Pat Pearson
2015 Tiffin Allegro Red 38QRA
Toad... none yet!