Slideout Failur - And Service Not Available
Instead of placing this in the Winnebago section I think that because of the "service" or "lack of" this belongs in a general thread.
Four days ago, after traveling 1500 miles with many stops, my long passenger slide decided it did not want to come in. I kept getting a 6 blinking green light indicating a "Stall On Rear Actuator." (That be the motor - electric.) I called Good Sam and they dispatched a "mobile" mechanic. And I mean Mechanic. Robert's Truck Repair, but he was knowledgeable regarding motorhomes. He (we) got the slideout retracted and I moved sites. Since he told me that if it stuck again to just call him and he'd stop on the way home. Well, four days later it stalled again. I called Robert and at the end of his day he stopped by and we got the slide in. It required him heaving and hoing (is that a word).
Here is the rest of the story. (I wish I had been in the service business.) I spent all of the better part of today talking with Winnebago, Power Gear, and many, many RV dealers. Winnebago and Power Gear could not be of any help over the phone - take it to a dealer. Well, every dealer I called, except two, could not get me in until August. Wait! This is the first week of June! Wow! Of the other two, one could not get me in until June 23rd.
Finally, Beckley RV in Thurmont, MD to the rescue. After conversing with a service writer, he talked with his manager, and asked if I could have it their Monday morning at 08:30 hours. You bet!
So, if you don't expect to break down, but you do, and it deals with the coach side of the rig, you can also expect that you will not get into a dealer real soon. Every dealer within a 75 mile radius of me is busy for the next few months. Boy, did I ever start out in the wrong business.
Happy trails.
Wayne MSGT USMC (Ret) & Earlene (CinCHouse) RVM14 (ARS: KE5QG)
Lexi - Goldendoodle
RV Homeless
It is what it is, and then it is what you make of it.