Many better parks in bigger cities have paved sites and road ways and accessible clubhouse areas. But they are the exception once you leave the metro areas.
Also, now bigger cities have cabs you can call which accommodate a scooter or motorized wheelchair.
Parks that are near city bus lines are few. Cities also have handicapped transport small buses but the problem you have to be preregistered and certified because of liability issues. My wife has to recertified as needing use every couple of years.
My wife has a scooter and we have traveled for over 20 years and she has used it in many places. Even nice trails in Yosemite and river trail in Zion. And not to forget Las Vegas and other casinos.
My advice is to tow and have your van modified for towing and enjoy.
Originally Posted by kcslaw
1. Is anyone out there happy RV ing w/o a toad?
2. Are there many parks out there with access to bike paths, on a bus route, or w/i walking distances of towns so that we wouldn't get stranded too much?
3. Is a 36ft RV too big to bring into town on occasion or is it too big a hassle to hook and unhook?
Thank you