Originally Posted by dsbike
When reporting damage to your vehicle by a collision with any wildlife you should report it to your insurance company as the animal hit you. My sister was hit by a deer this past summer. It ran into her drivers door. When she reported it she told the adjuster that the deer hit her. They asked if she was sure it hit her & she didn't hit it. After she confirmed this they informed her if she hit the deer her collision adjustable would apply. But since the deer hit her it was covered under comp with zero deductible & no ins points. When you think about it , in order for the driver to be at fault the driver would have to be negligent. When does anyone ever go out to hit an animal, they always run into your path or fly into your path. Just my $.02
It would be interesting to know what company this is, or in what state, for that matter.
I worked for the auto claim depatment of State Farm Insurance for 30 plus years. We never made a distinction as to 'who hit who'. If the damage was from an 'animal collision', is was covered as a 'comprehensive' claim. (One possible exception might be running over a dead animal in the road. Some companies consider this no different than hitting an old muffler or tire debris off a semi)
Where people would 'mess up', is they'd swerve to miss a deer, successfully, and wreck the car in the ditch (with much greater chance of injury to themselves). THAT is a collision claim.