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Old 11-11-2009, 02:08 PM   #1
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We're "special"...

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon in the USA, for many in our society to express indignation, disgust - and outright anger, over the demands of illegal aliens - and the wide array of legislation passed and suggested by our "representatives" to accommodate them - often at the substantial sacrifice and expense of this country’s natural born and legal citizens. Indeed, it sometimes seems we’d ALL be better off to be treated as illegal, rather than legal, USA citizens.

There are realistic rules in life that serve to control and govern most of the activities we all choose to become involved in - it’s unrealistic for ALL the players on a football team to expect to be quarterbacks, or for basketball players to simply choose to shoot the ball into whichever basket suits them, or is closer. It’s unreasonable and unlikely that a quadriplegic will become a brain surgeon, or airline pilot, regardless of his desire or demands as their "right" to do so.

In many, if not most, circumstances of life, we are all expected to be familiar with, and conform to, the clearly evident and presented rules and conditions of the various activities we may choose to be involved in - and it’s far better to become aware of these rules and conditions BEFORE we become deeply personally involved, rather than to leap on in, then expect all others also involved to bend the rules, modify conditions - usually at the limitation and sacrifice of their own rights and expectations - merely to accommodate the demands of the few, because they in various ways consider themselves and their families as "special" - and therefor outside the bounds of the rules of behavior and common courtesy all others around them have accepted as part of that activity!

As a nation, most would tell the illegal aliens to either enter legally and obey our country’s laws, or stay in their home country - they are NOT "special" - OR welcome!

We would tell players on various sports teams to either play by the rules of the game - or get lost - you are NOT "special" - nor would we allow or encourage those with serious physical or mental handicaps, to pursue sensitive and critical positions that might place many others at serious unnecessary risk - they and their wishes simply are NOT that "special"!

Most by now, see where this is headed, and since this IS an RV related board, a reasonable question is, how much and how often, must those of us who DO understand and accept the common rules of reason and courtesy that exist in the Rving lifestyle, sacrifice OUR reasonable expectations within that lifestyle, to accommodate the few who willfully IGNORE those rules, effectively demanding to be accommodated by all around them, because they consider themselves, their families, their circumstances, as "special"?

There are MANY commonly posted and accepted (by MOST!) rules of conduct and behavior within the RV lifestyle - rules that apply equally to ALL, and these are regarded by most as being established and enforced for the general comfort, peace, safety and tranquility of ALL RVers without exception. The relative few who do have legitimate unusual special needs or interests, usually have their own array of specific locations and parks made especially to accommodate those needs and expectation - and THOSE are the places for the "special" needs and expectations to be taken!

There’s little need here to list the many areas constantly abused by those few who consider themselves as "special", and above the rules the rest of us abide by - those abusing those rules know quite well who they are, JUST AS all those around you, exposed to their carelessness and lack of consideration do - and we’d really appreciate it, if you’d do the right thing, accept and observe the same standards as the rest of us - and if not, seriously consider some other form of recreation and travel...

This is not posted to start a fight, or exercise in finger-pointing, but rather, an appeal to those who are varying degrees of non-conformists, to wise up, join the party in ways we can ALL enjoy and value - it can be LOTS more fun, if we ALL play by the SAME set of rules!
John Day....|'88 Winnebago Super Chief 27ft. Class A
Eastern .....|'88 KIT model 240 24 ft. 5er
Oregon ......|'02 Dodge/Cummins 2500 Quad Cab
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Old 11-11-2009, 03:08 PM   #2
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Very well thought out, composed and expressed opinion! Thank you for your analogies and implication of acceptable boundaries.

My guess would be that if you put 10 people in a room and asked them to list the acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors in the world of RVing, you would get 10 different opinions. Such as;

Golf Carts - Love them or hate them in parks.
Dogs Outside - Dog lovers verses Dog Dislikers
Early Risers - Late Sleepers
Late Cocktail Party Around the Campfire Crowd - Early to Bed Tea-Totalers
Kids Riding Their Bikes With Oblivious Parents - Oblivious Parents
Haves - Have-nots
Weekend Campers - Fulltimers
My Hometown - Your Visiting

Get my point!
2005 Safari Cheetah 38PDQ - 2009 Ford Flex
Me (Gatogonow), The Boss (DW), Honey Bunny, Maggie May and Mollie Kay (The Gatos)!
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Old 11-12-2009, 04:57 AM   #3
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Gary K7GLD:

You've provided a very well written expression of views related to common respect for, and abidance with, the rules of societal interaction many of us subscribe to, and, to which many, almost automatically, follow. However, I'm not understanding very clearly the relationship to people referred to as "special." I certainly agree with your opinions related to illegal aliens, but since this IS an RV related forum, I'm not following your thoughts as realted to the following of rules by those "special" people as related to RV'ing and/or the RV lifestyle. Might you clarify this a little?? Thanks. Steve
2014 Newmar 3103 BAYSTAR/Triton V10 w. Banks/05 Honda Element toad
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:32 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Chickadee View Post
Gary K7GLD:

You've provided a very well written expression of views related to common respect for, and abidance with, the rules of societal interaction many of us subscribe to, and, to which many, almost automatically, follow. However, I'm not understanding very clearly the relationship to people referred to as "special." I certainly agree with your opinions related to illegal aliens, but since this IS an RV related forum, I'm not following your thoughts as realted to the following of rules by those "special" people as related to RV'ing and/or the RV lifestyle. Might you clarify this a little?? Thanks. Steve

Maybe we should list those "special people"

The special people don't pick up after their dogs ( someone else can take care of that.)

The special people park their car in your campsite. (Theirs is to crowded)

The special people tell their kids to just walk thru that campsite ( the ordinary people won't care.)

Others can add their favorites to the list


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Old 11-12-2009, 11:41 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Chickadee View Post
Gary K7GLD:

You've provided a very well written expression of views related to common respect for, and abidance with, the rules of societal interaction many of us subscribe to, and, to which many, almost automatically, follow. However, I'm not understanding very clearly the relationship to people referred to as "special." I certainly agree with your opinions related to illegal aliens, but since this IS an RV related forum, I'm not following your thoughts as related to the following of rules by those "special" people as related to RVing and/or the RV lifestyle. Might you clarify this a little?? Thanks. Steve
My point is, most RVing folks easily recognize the commonly accepted rules and conditions that apply to their various activities - and MOST can easily recognize the INequities in other areas of our society, as I described at the beginning of my post...

Put plainly, some RVers who so easily see, and are critical of rule-benders in OTHER areas of society - are totally indifferent to the same sort of rules that apply to THEM and THEIR interests - and NO, THEY are NOT "special", or due special considerations or liberties by ANY means!

IF these RVing folks can so easily see - and object to - special treatment and privileges for illegal aliens (for example) - WHY do they expect and demand special treatment and freedom from various rules for THEMSELVES and their families?

They need to get in line - and follow the rules, just like the REST of us!

John Day....|'88 Winnebago Super Chief 27ft. Class A
Eastern .....|'88 KIT model 240 24 ft. 5er
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Old 11-13-2009, 04:58 AM   #6
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All true!!....but flawless harmony is tough to achieve. The human race has grappled with the issue of trespassing against each other (ie., ignoring "rules" of social interaction) throughout history. Whether related to RV campground etiquette or to the behavior of one nation toward another on the world scale, harmony is a bugger to achieve .

All I know is that I try my darnedest not to trespass on others. AND, I try even harder, to learn tolerance with a smile as I watch others on this anthill earth trying to make their way. For me anyway, I've found that the "forgiveness thing" works pretty good... although it doesn't mean I'm going to roll over and play dead while someone steamrollers over me. I'm still learning how to play the game. Steve
2014 Newmar 3103 BAYSTAR/Triton V10 w. Banks/05 Honda Element toad
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Old 11-13-2009, 11:59 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gary - K7GLD View Post
Nowadays, it’s not uncommon in the USA, for many in our society to express indignation, disgust - and outright anger, over the demands of illegal aliens - and the wide array of legislation passed and suggested by our "representatives" to accommodate them - often at the substantial sacrifice and expense of this country’s natural born and legal citizens. Indeed, it sometimes seems we’d ALL be better off to be treated as illegal, rather than legal, USA citizens.

There are realistic rules in life that serve to control and govern most of the activities we all choose to become involved in - it’s unrealistic for ALL the players on a football team to expect to be quarterbacks, or for basketball players to simply choose to shoot the ball into whichever basket suits them, or is closer. It’s unreasonable and unlikely that a quadriplegic will become a brain surgeon, or airline pilot, regardless of his desire or demands as their "right" to do so.

In many, if not most, circumstances of life, we are all expected to be familiar with, and conform to, the clearly evident and presented rules and conditions of the various activities we may choose to be involved in - and it’s far better to become aware of these rules and conditions BEFORE we become deeply personally involved, rather than to leap on in, then expect all others also involved to bend the rules, modify conditions - usually at the limitation and sacrifice of their own rights and expectations - merely to accommodate the demands of the few, because they in various ways consider themselves and their families as "special" - and therefor outside the bounds of the rules of behavior and common courtesy all others around them have accepted as part of that activity!

As a nation, most would tell the illegal aliens to either enter legally and obey our country’s laws, or stay in their home country - they are NOT "special" - OR welcome!

We would tell players on various sports teams to either play by the rules of the game - or get lost - you are NOT "special" - nor would we allow or encourage those with serious physical or mental handicaps, to pursue sensitive and critical positions that might place many others at serious unnecessary risk - they and their wishes simply are NOT that "special"!

Most by now, see where this is headed, and since this IS an RV related board, a reasonable question is, how much and how often, must those of us who DO understand and accept the common rules of reason and courtesy that exist in the Rving lifestyle, sacrifice OUR reasonable expectations within that lifestyle, to accommodate the few who willfully IGNORE those rules, effectively demanding to be accommodated by all around them, because they consider themselves, their families, their circumstances, as "special"?

There are MANY commonly posted and accepted (by MOST!) rules of conduct and behavior within the RV lifestyle - rules that apply equally to ALL, and these are regarded by most as being established and enforced for the general comfort, peace, safety and tranquility of ALL RVers without exception. The relative few who do have legitimate unusual special needs or interests, usually have their own array of specific locations and parks made especially to accommodate those needs and expectation - and THOSE are the places for the "special" needs and expectations to be taken!

There’s little need here to list the many areas constantly abused by those few who consider themselves as "special", and above the rules the rest of us abide by - those abusing those rules know quite well who they are, JUST AS all those around you, exposed to their carelessness and lack of consideration do - and we’d really appreciate it, if you’d do the right thing, accept and observe the same standards as the rest of us - and if not, seriously consider some other form of recreation and travel...

This is not posted to start a fight, or exercise in finger-pointing, but rather, an appeal to those who are varying degrees of non-conformists, to wise up, join the party in ways we can ALL enjoy and value - it can be LOTS more fun, if we ALL play by the SAME set of rules!
What is most interesting to me is that everyone considers bank robbery to be a crime. Democrat or Republican or Independent, we all consider bank robbery a crime.

Why is it then that illegal entry into the USA is considered a political issue?

Wretched excess is just barely enough.

2002 Itasca Suncruiser - WH Chassis - 35U - 2006 Jeep Liberty
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Old 11-13-2009, 12:08 PM   #8
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Adding to the list is "Oh gee my dog is barking constantly because he/she was put out all by itself at 6:00 am on Saturday, well maybe it will bark itself out in an hour or I will not bring it inside!!!!"
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Old 11-13-2009, 02:07 PM   #9
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Maybe the difference is that there are two different classes of people that RV, there are the RVers and there are the Campers. Those that live the lifestyle seem to be less tolerant of the Campers.

I realized that many of the Campers are only off for a brief period or a short vacation and tend to be more oblivious to others. Then again I think all people with kids are obvious to the behavior of their kids, kind of like dog owners thinking their dogs are cute.

I think it's like people that work in Nursing Homes or Hospitals, they are so used to the old people screaming to go to the bathroom they become obvious to the screaming, it's just more background noise. RVing doesn't come with a handbook and you're born with common sense, it's not an acquired skill. Most people adapt to their surroundings, good or bad!
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Old 11-13-2009, 02:26 PM   #10
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All true!!....but flawless harmony is tough to achieve. The human race has grappled with the issue of trespassing against each other (ie., ignoring "rules" of social interaction) throughout history. Whether related to RV campground etiquette or to the behavior of one nation toward another on the world scale, harmony is a bugger to achieve .
Yup - BUT, simply constantly IGNORING most of these issues in the name of "tolerance and forgiveness", accomplishes absolutely NOTHING in controlling or eliminating them!

Fact is, some of those involved may well be new to the RVing lifestyle - and to a degree, unaware of their "social transgressions" - and how others around them view them - for at least those, a little pointed awareness is not unrealistic, and may be productive.

Many, including some on THIS board, have clearly indicated their recognition of - and resistance to - various rules and common courtesy issues that frequently are discussed on boards like this - and yeah, those cover the entire range from uncontrolled dogs and kids, right on thru quiet hours for generators, loud parties and music.

Ignoring and forgiving those "special ones" will only guarantee more of the same tomorrow!

We have only a relatively inexpensive RVing setup - but it must be VERY upsetting for those who spent big $$$ for THEIR setup, anticipating the peace and quiet of the lifestyle and that nice spot they have selected to camp in - only to then be exposed to the guys who show up next door with 3 large and noisy Great Danes, a hoard of similarly noisy kids - all for the select purpose of partying loudly all weekend and "letting it all hang out" - CG rules and neighbors be damned...
John Day....|'88 Winnebago Super Chief 27ft. Class A
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Old 11-13-2009, 03:40 PM   #11
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Agreed, to get along one should play by the rules...

Many do not,

But who makes the rules, AHA therin lies the problem that can not be solved,

There were a group of individuals at the end of the 18th Cetury that did not want to play by the rules, so they formed their own nation


Don't forget, this nation was founded by a group of radical dissidents who would not tolerate the status quo, and started a revolution to make change happen....
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Old 11-13-2009, 04:12 PM   #12
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Seems to me both sides have their"SPECIAL"maybe a walk to the office and asking for a change of camp site might cause those in control to ask questions and do their job and take control of the issue!
I think some whine to much and may be living in glass houses?Yes dogs will go,yes one should pick up after their dog,and I would suggest if you dont like dogs and or kids go to those camp grounds that dont allow such,and I would say to those who have dogs take them to the woods and fertilize there,kick a hole in dirt and shove it in with your foot!
One thing I have found that works for me,find one thing that a person does well and you will get along with them better.Find the possitive!
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Old 11-13-2009, 04:53 PM   #13
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[QUOTE=Jim Stewart;566946]Maybe the difference is that there are two different classes of people that RV, there are the RVers and there are the Campers. Those that live the lifestyle seem to be less tolerant of the Campers.

In my opinion, the above quote from Jim Stewart, is a very valid point, and it seems to be more prevelent now than it was a few years ago. I don't have an answer as how to handle this Special People situation, but really do believe that it is getting worse.

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Old 11-13-2009, 05:53 PM   #14
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I also believe the gap between Rv'ers and campers is growing. Part of it may be campers just don't understand how a MH is equipped. At a "campground" this past summer we ran into a situation where the campers started to build a campfire less than 3 ft from my propane tank.
When I explained the situation to them they didn't know there was a large tank on "those things". In the real world someone else is always watching out for these type of special people, you know-no common sense to start with!
Gary: good thread it gives some of us a chance to explain stupid situations with special people!
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