Originally Posted by Homer
I am little stupid on blinds. What exactly is a MCD blind? I hate these sorry day/night shades. Can an MCD be easily installed in the place of the OEM? Do they provide complete privacy at night?
They are a high tech version of the old roller shades with two pull down shades. One a day shade and the other a night shade. The night shade is completely opaque - shadows don't show through at all.
When one is down and you pull it down a little and let go it slowly rises up.
They are available with and without motors. The motorized ones can have remote controls or switches.
Besides windows they are used on windshields.
Pricey but worth it in my opinion. We installed ours on the windows but plan to have the factory in TX install the ones on the windshield. Those will be motorized and remote controlled.
You can see them here
American Duo Day/Night Shade System