Thanks for the hi'ya's -
I have been up North(Flagstaff) for past couple years and that's about the last time I started my MH. SO now back in Phoenix valley(Glendale actually) and had to get to the RV for sure. Most I have gone without starting it btw. Added 5 gals of fresh gas and swapped in a fully charged battery. Expecting the worst, my buddy was with me where he allows me to park the coach, I turned the key. Bout 30 seconds of cranking and varooom. He looked at me and let out an explicative saying "I just cant believe this thing" and fist bumped me lol. So I let it run for sometime checking gauges for temp and oil pressure while also airing up the tires. Last I left it all were at 70lbs, in the time gone, went down to 52. So after airing them up put her in gear and went forward and back a few times in the large lot its at. So now the research begins and been looking thru the Flair fix up forums. Much to do, but starting it was first step.
Goodyear is great and grown no doubt. Not sure if you do day trips with your coach but I can recommend the last place I used mine and that was Cave Creek Regional Park and Campground, about 45 minutes North East of you. The place is scenic, clean and large campsites with full hookups. Desert mountain views astounding! Course this was back when RV camping was $18, its twice that now. But have a peek at it certainly worth a night or two there. Spent a couple Thanksgivings there and great memories of that.
Bert Nacho