My husband and I are buying our first motor home and will be FT in our coach. This is all completely new for us. He is currently working in Upper State NY and we will live up there until Jan 1st. Atlanta & northern Fl. will be next stops in the coming 2 yrs.
We live in Naples, Fl and will keep our place here. I am doing the looking right now since he is busy working but we have done the research together and have narrowed our search to these two coaches. We are also open to other MH's that have what these models seem to provide.
My DH is 6'5", having a king bed is necessary and at least 40-42ft. Seems best for us.
We need something reliable.... Especially since we are new to this and a coach that will be good for us in cold and hot climates.
I have my eye on a couple of each of these models, he will be in town next week and we are planning on purchasing one and hitting the road writhing a week and a half.
We have been researching all of this for about a year and have many friends with class a MH's.
I would like any thoughts and/or advice!! We have been married almost 30 yrs. and trust each other to make decisions for one another.

We have been apart for most of this year and can't do it anymore, he has the time off next week, we want to be prepared to make an offer and be able to head out TOGETHER...along with our three little dogs. 4 lb. Chi, and two 8 lb. Mexican Frenchies, (chi x French Bulldog).
I also need some great advice on what we "need" to be comfortable in our MH and supplies.
Thanks so much in advance!
Mrs. wade1and2