IMO our Campgrounds sections is a bit "tempermental" to say the least. For as many as I've done, it STILL gives me fits & more often than not it "eats" one of my reviews & never displays it. I've learned to type my review in Word & then copy/paste it in the review form so, should my submission go into cyberspace, I won't have lost all I typed. It also eats pictures, or refuses to upload them.
Ideally, one would upload a campground only if the campground is not already listed. If you upload a campground that's already listed, we end up with duplicates scattered throughout that particular state's grouping & a member would have to search through all of the campgrounds listed in order to find multiple reviews on the same campground.
If the campground is listed, then you would want to click on the Post A Review link that's in the top right corner of an existing listing. This adds your review, sequentially, to the existing one, much like is done on It also allows you to rate it on a 1-10 scale & lets you insert smileys. Or you can just do a Quick Reply as a review for a no frills review which will also be placed sequentially.
I place reviews here as well as on What I do like about here - when it works - is the ability to attach pictures, something not available on I much prefer member real photos to the staged photos found on many a campground's websites.
Lori (& Dave, my spirit guide) - RV/MH Hall of Fame Lifetime Member | My iRV2 Photo Albums
2016 Phoenix Cruiser 2350S, 2018 Phaeton 40IH,2006 Bounder 36Z, 2004 Cougar 285EFS, 2000 Aerolite 25FBR
There is great need for a sarcasm font.