Originally Posted by mketron
Just joined the irv2.com community. Saw your post about your Sunrise. We just traded in our 32' 1999 Itasca Suncruiser for a 34TGA Tiffin Allegro. We bought our Itasca new and had it for almost 14 years - we put 135,000+ miles on the Ford V-10 engine. Hope you enjoy your Itasca as much as we did ours and for as many miles.
Thanks. We really enjoy having a MH of any sort at this point. The Sunrise seems to be exactly the size and floor plan we like. We agreed though that if and when we move up, it'll be a to DP. I'm not sure at what price point DP's start though.
Except for the name, isn't a Suncruiser a very different machine than a Sunrise? I'm never sure where in the model line up the different names fit.