Just found this web site from a mention on a motorcycle forum. Always looking to expand my knowledge base on RVs as they are new to me. Feeling more comfortable with th unit and how stuff works. I try to do my own service work as I like for it to be done right and on my time table. The trailer part of it is no big deal as it is just a frame and axles like my other trailers, but the house stuff is new and I kind of scratch my head on why did they do that. But anyway life is a adventure!
This is our first RV of any kind which we got about 1 1/2 year ago. It is a a Puma 25FBC and have really enjoyed it. Makes hauling the Harley easy and we also use it to tailgate at OU football games. Sure wish it had a built in generator. Pulls really good behind the DMax.
One thing I noted when I got it home was several of the bolts that hold the ramp were loose and a couple were gone. Called Forrest River and I now have a lifetime supply of these bolts which were overnighted-really why? I also noted the D ring tie downs in the trailer were attached by sheet metal screws which I have now fixed with bolts and red iron under the floor secured to the frame. Much more secure. Also secured the trailer wiring harness to keep it from rubbing, but no big deal. So far unit has been trouble free with the exception
of one recall for tires rubbing. How do you screw that up? Anyway quick fix was riser blocks to raise trailer 3/4 inch. In and out in 3 hours.
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Tony & Ruth........... FMCA#F416727
2016 London Aire 4519, Freightliner chassis, Cummins ISX, 2018 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited, Blue Ox Avail with AF1. TST 507 TPMS
No amount of money can buy you an extra second of time.
Hope you enjoy the iRV2 forum! Hope to see you post often.
__________________ Good Luck, Be Safe and Above All, Don't Forget To Have Fun Pete
Central Kentucky
2006 Fleetwood Discovery 35H, 2014 Honda CR-V, M&G Engineering Braking System