My name is Rick. Me and my wife Samantha are currently traveling the country pulling a vintage 1977 Skyline Nomad 22 ft trailer. We left Savannah GA Sunday 2-10-13. We are on our way to Arizona as our 1st stop. Right now we are in Louisiana. Our journey is one of discovery. We are doing a documentary about intentional communities around the country. If you want to follow our progress visit our blog at The Rollin' Green Project | A Documentary film project about Eco-friendly,self sustaining, intentional communities striving to get "off the grid" and live in harmony with the earth.. we welcome tips for making RV'ing easier. We are new to this. so far we have had some problems with the electric brake. as soon as we get to a place to sit for a few days I will do a full troubleshooting diagnosis of the problem. Greetings to all. RV Community - Are you about to start a new improvement on your RV or need some help with some maintenance? Do you need advice on what products to buy? Or maybe you can give others some advice? No matter where you fit in you'll find that iRV2 is a great community to join. Best of all it's totally FREE!
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US Navy Vet, Liberty Tree Member of Oath Keepers, NRA & VFW Life Member, Alaska EMT.
2009 Safari Cheetah 40 SKQ
2009 Winnebago Chalet 231CR