Good Morning Dan...
I would like to be the <STRIKE>first</STRIKE>
second to officially welcome you to iRV2!
You will soon find out why I truly believe this is the friendliest & most knowledgable RV forum on the web.
Th members here do try to help out as much as they can...without any of that other stuff that you find on other forums. (You will even find the silliness almost anywhere you find me!
May I suggest that you also venture down to the Fleetwood section and ask for some "Fleetwood Karma"?
It will add the "Fleetwood Owners Forum Member" under your log in name showing to the left of your posts. You will find many Bounder owners there also...with some tips, ideas & solutions to things that can be done to your rig.
Again... welcome to iRV2...please visit and post frequently!