Hello all. I am a typical long time lurker and now a member. An amazing amount of info can be gleaned from this site. I made the choice to begin full-timing . Then I started to research. Oh my, I was CLUELESS! I feel better now, because I think I understand and have a firm grasp of 1/10 of 1percent of all I think I need to know (oy vey) Preparing to go full-time is , to me, is like learning how to survive on another planet. Mods to the rig are ongoing, solar took a couple hundred hours of reading. (I can almost recite the battery charging puzzle by memory. I'm not gay, but handy angry Bob invades my dreams.) I've baptized my rig by tearing off the driver's door awning on a pole in my barn, splintered a fence post in my garden backing out of said barn and watched a (locked?) basement door pop open and puke it's contents to the tender mercies of following and on-coming traffic.$$ All I need now is a high-speed blowout and I'll feel I've earned my wings. Campers across the country should be ready for my arrival at their locale, 'cause I'm sure I will having them rolling in the isles every time I attempt the park this beast. I drove a 58 Mack with a 46ft trailer cross-country when I was 17 and I thought that was easy. Now I have a 34ft A and I feel like I'm piloting the space shuttle every time I get behind the wheel. I wish these things would bend in the middle! My launch date is third week of May, 2013. My thanks to all who post on this site, because without your info, I and others like me would be "driving blind". Hope to meet and greet y'all when I finally hit the ground (crawling?) running. Regards, Frank.