Greetings all,
I have been browsing the site for a few days now but this is my first post.
We recently sold our year 2000 Cardinal and are now looking for somewhat smaller and lighter rig. We tow with a Cummins so it is the size of the campgrounds and backroads and not so much the weight that is motivating us to downsize.
I was offered 2,000 under NADA average retail for our rig but was lucky enough to sell it for a better price to a private party.
Now that I am searching for a replacement I am seeing dealer postings that have prices anywhere from 30% to over 50% over the NADA average retail and I don't get it. I can see paying a premium for a like-new rig but not that much.
I have seen reasonable markups on some rigs but mostly in the mid-west and east. NY is a little far to go so that is out. TX is a maybe. OR seems to have the highest prices of any state so their economy must be great.
I am using RVT.COM and RVTRADER.COM as well as various dealer web sites. Maybe after the summer season there will be more choices.
Wish us luck.