Just checking in. I'm actually not the owner - my Mom is. Since they no longer make Georgie Boy motorhomes, I was having a lot of trouble finding mechanical information to help with repairs, so I joined this website hoping that someone here can help. I'm currently replacing the dash air conditioning system and need to know how much oil to add into the system. If you think you can help, please follow me to the Workhorse Chassis forum where I will post a thread for this question. Thank you for providing this resource.
__________________ 2002 Georgie Boy Landau; 35' with two slides; 8.1L Workhorse Chassis
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Bruce Dickson 2013 Thor Challenger 37GT, 5 Star Tune, Safe-T-Plus Steering Control with Air Trim, Roadmaster front and rear Sway Bars, SuperSteer rear Track Bar, Crossfires, 2018 Honda CRV . Full timers since Jan 2012.