Hello everyone. I'm Don a retired fire captain/paramedic. I travel with Kay my loving wife, Bozie (a cocker spaniel Dachshund mix) and Scooter (a standard size Dachshund). We travel using a Ford Super Duty diesel and pull a Pilgrim Open Road 37' fifth wheel. When not on the road we reside in Avondale, AZ, a suburb of Phoenix. Not much else for a general introduction, so I'll just say thanks for letting me join and I look forward to chatting and developing some friendships.
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Hi Don and welcome to the forum.We live in Green Valley south of Tucson.
We have a few friends that live in Phoenix ,they relocated there rescently,lots of info available here. Happy Rving keep in touch.
Tom & Christi Rae Sutler
Freightliner club member
Goodsam club member